40 Most Common Verbs in English









































beTo exist, occupy a place or situationAuxillary verb, linking verb, and main verbI am happy. He is a doctor. The cat is on the mat.
bearTo carry or support, endure, give birth toMain verb, irregular verbThe mother bear carried her cubs. I can’t bear the pain. She bore a child.
blowTo move air, make a sound by exhaling airMain verb, irregular verbThe wind is blowing hard today. She blew out the candles. He blew his nose.
breakTo separate into pieces, interrupt, violateMain verb, irregular verbThe vase broke into a million pieces. Can you break this candy bar in half? He broke the law.
bringTo carry or lead to a place, introduceMain verb, irregular verbCan you bring me some water, please? She brought her friend to the party. He brought up an interesting point.
callTo name, contact, shout or speak loudlyMain verb, irregular verbMy name is John, but you can call me Jack. I’ll call you tomorrow. Please don’t call out in the library.
carryTo transport or support something, hold or have something with oneselfMain verb, irregular verbHe carried a heavy load up the stairs. Can you carry this for me? She carries a lot of responsibility at work.
catchTo capture or grasp, intercept, understandMain verb, irregular verbShe caught the ball with one hand. I’ll catch up with you later. I didn’t catch what he said.
comeTo move toward or arrive at a place, happen or occurMain verb, irregular verbI’ll come to the party later. He came to my house yesterday. The storm came suddenly.
cutTo separate into pieces with a sharp tool, reduce or decrease, injureMain verb, irregular verbShe cut the cake into slices. He cut his finger with the knife. The company is cutting jobs.
doTo perform an action, complete a task, create a resultAuxillary verb, main verbWhat are you doing? I did my homework. He does not like spiders.
feelTo experience a sensation or emotion, have an opinion or perceptionMain verb, irregular verbShe feels tired after the long day. I feel happy today. I feel that this is a good idea.
findTo locate or discover, determine, think or judgeMain verb, irregular verbI found my keys under the couch. She found the answer to the question. I find that movie boring.
getTo receive or obtain, become, understandMain verb, irregular verbCan I get a glass of water? I’m getting better at playing the piano. I don’t get what you’re saying.
giveTo provide or offer something, put into the possession of someone elseMain verb, irregular verbHe gave me a present for my birthday. Can you give me a hand? She gave up smoking last year.
goTo move or travel from one place to another, happen or occur, be successfulMain verb, irregular verbLet’s go to the park. The party is going well. He went to the store.
haveTo possess, experience, or hold, auxiliary verbAuxiliary verb, main verbI have a car. She has a headache
holdTo have in one’s grasp, keep in position or possessionMain verb, irregular verbHe held her hand as they walked. Can you hold this for me? She holds the world record.
keepTo have or retain possession of, maintain in a particular state or conditionMain verb, irregular verbI keep my phone in my pocket. She keeps her house clean. Can you keep a secret?
layTo put something down in a horizontal position, prepare or get something readyMain verb, irregular verbShe laid the book on the table. Can you lay the table for dinner? He laid out his clothes for the next day.
leaveTo go away from a place, abandon or give up, allow or cause to remainMain verb, irregular verbI’m leaving the party early. He left his job to travel the world. Please leave the door open.
lookTo direct one’s gaze, search or seek, seem or appearMain verb, irregular verbShe looked at the painting for a long time. Can you look for my keys? It looks like it’s going to rain.
makeTo create or produce, cause to be or become, force or compelMain verb, irregular verbShe made a cake for her friend’s birthday. He made me angry. The noise made it hard to concentrate.
moveTo change position, transfer or transport, cause to act or reactMain verb, irregular verbShe moved to a new apartment. Can you help me move this couch? The speech moved the audience.
passTo move past or go by, transfer or convey, succeed or be approvedMain verb, irregular verbHe passed me on the highway. Can you pass me the salt, please? She passed the test with flying colors.
playTo engage in an activity for enjoyment, perform music or a role, manipulate or toy with somethingMain verb, irregular verbThey played soccer in the park. She plays the guitar beautifully. He played with his food during dinner.
pullTo move something towards oneself, remove forcibly, influence or attractMain verb, irregular verbCan you pull the door open? He pulled the tooth out of his mouth. The smell of the food pulled her into the restaurant.
putTo place or arrange something in a specific position, express or state somethingMain verb, irregular verbShe put the book on the shelf. Can you put on some music? He put his thoughts into words.
readTo look at and comprehend written or printed words, interpret or understandMain verb, irregular verbShe read the newspaper every morning. Can you read this sentence out loud? I read the situation differently.
runTo move quickly on foot, operate or function, manage or controlMain verb, irregular verbThey ran to catch the bus. Can you run this program on your computer? He runs his own business.
seeTo perceive with one’s eyes, understand or become aware of, visit or have an appointment withMain verb, irregular verbShe saw a bird in the tree. Can you see what I mean? He’s seeing his doctor next week.
setTo put in a particular place or position, adjust or regulate, establish or createMain verb, irregular verbShe set the vase on the table. Can you set the alarm for 6am? He set up a new company.
showTo display or exhibit, indicate or prove, teach or explainMain verb, irregular verbShe showed me her new dress. Can you show me where to go on the map? He showed his work to the class.
slipTo slide or move smoothly and quietly, make a mistake or error, put on quickly or secretlyMain verb, irregular verbShe slipped on the ice. He slipped up and revealed the surprise. Can you slip into your shoes and meet me outside?
standTo be on one’s feet, support oneself, tolerate or endureMain verb, irregular verbShe stood in line for hours. Can you stand on one foot? He can’t stand the heat.
strikeTo hit or deliver a blow, affect suddenly or forcefully, stop work in protestMain verb, irregular verbHe struck the ball with his bat. The news struck her like a ton of bricks. The workers decided to strike for better pay.
takeTo get hold of or grab, accept or receive, consume or ingestMain verb, irregular verbShe took the book from the shelf. Can you take this package to the post office? He took a sip of his coffee.
throwTo project or propel with force, discard or get rid of, hold or host an eventMain verb, irregular verbShe threw the ball across the field. Can you throw away the trash? They’re throwing a party next weekend.
turnTo rotate or revolve, change direction or position, cause to take a different courseMain verb, irregular verbHe turned the key in the lock. Can you turn left at the next intersection? She turned the conversation to a different topic.
workTo exert effort to achieve a goal or task, operate or function, produce a desired resultMain verb, irregular verbShe works at a hospital. Can you work on this problem with me? The machine isn’t working properly.
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