The Omission of ‘if’

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– Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Had it rained so heavily, we ………………………. floods. (2011)
a. wouldn’t have had b. would have had c. would have d. may have
2. ……………… you work harder, you’ll fail your exam. (2013)
a. If b. As c. When d. Unless
3. Had he been more careful, he …………….. low marks. (2016)
a. wouldn’t get b. will get c. wouldn’t have got d. would have got
4. ………………… raining, we won’t be able to finish the game. (2014)
a. If it didn’t stop b. Should it stop c. If it stopped d. Unless it stops
5. ………………. studying hard, he would have got high marks. (Azhar – 2010)
a. In case b. As long as c. Provided d. By
6. He will catch the train ………………….. coming in time. (Sudan – 2011)
a. if b. in case of c. unless d. in spite of
7. Were he …………….. me the truth, I’d forgive him. (Azhar – 2013)
a. tells b. telling c. told d. to tell
8. ………. he arrived early yesterday, he could have attended the conference. (2013)
a. Hadn’t b. Had c. Unless d. If
9. ………………… it rain heavily, I’d stay indoors. (Sudan – 2015)
a. If b. Unless c. Should d. Providing
10. ……………….. having enough money, I can buy a car. (Sudan – 2018)
a. Without b. Were c. In case of d. Should
11. ……………….. he a proper plan, he wouldn’t waste his time. (2018)
a. Had b. Were c. If d. Unless
12. ……………………….. emergency, call 122.
a. If b. In case of c. Without d. Unless
13. You will make mistakes …………………… you are careful.
a. If b. without c. unless d. in case
14. ……………………. your carefulness, you would have hit the little boy.
a. In case of b. If it weren’t for c. Unless d. But for
15. Ali will attend the lecture ………………………… that he comes on time.
a. unless b. if c. provided d. should
16. …….. he not put down his roots in the country, he wouldn’t have had a peaceful life.
a. Were b. Had c. If d. should



Which sentence is an example of an omission of the word ‘if’?
a) If I had known about the party, I would have gone.
b) Had I known about the party, I would have gone.
c) I would have gone if I had known about the party.
d) Knowing about the party, I would have gone.
Answer: b) Had I known about the party, I would have gone.

In which of the following sentences is ‘if’ omitted correctly?
a) If you want, we can go to the movies tonight.
b) You want, we can go to the movies tonight.
c) Want we can go to the movies tonight.
d) We can go to the movies tonight, if you want.
Answer: b) You want, we can go to the movies tonight.

Which sentence is an example of a correct omission of the word ‘if’?
a) If you eat too much candy, you’ll get a stomachache.
b) Eating too much candy will give you a stomachache.
c) You’ll get a stomachache if you eat too much candy.
d) If you don’t want a stomachache, don’t eat too much candy.
Answer: b) Eating too much candy will give you a stomachache.

Which sentence is an example of an incorrect omission of the word ‘if’?
a) Had I known you were sick, I would have visited you.
b) If I would have known you were sick, I would have visited you.
c) I would have visited you if I had known you were sick.
d) Knowing you were sick, I would have visited you.
Answer: b) If I would have known you were sick, I would have visited you.


Which sentence is an example of an omission of the word ‘if’?
Answer: b) Had I known about the party, I would have gone.
Explanation: The word ‘if’ is omitted in this sentence, which makes it a conditional sentence in the inversion form. This inversion form can be used to omit ‘if’ in a sentence.

In which of the following sentences is ‘if’ omitted correctly?
Answer: b) You want, we can go to the movies tonight.
Explanation: In this sentence, ‘if’ is omitted correctly, as the sentence still conveys a conditional meaning.

Which sentence is an example of a correct omission of the word ‘if’?
Answer: b) Eating too much candy will give you a stomachache.
Explanation: This sentence is an example of a correct omission of the word ‘if’ because it still conveys the same meaning without using the word ‘if.’

Which sentence is an example of an incorrect omission of the word ‘if’?
Answer: b) If I would have known you were sick, I would have visited you.
Explanation: This sentence is an example of an incorrect omission of the word ‘if’ because it is grammatically incorrect. The correct form would be ‘If I had known you were sick, I would have visited you.’

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