Linking Words: A Comprehensive Guide

Read the following short story and find the linking words

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Sarah. She loved spending time outdoors, exploring new places, and meeting new people.

One day, she decided to go on a hike in the mountains. She was excited about the adventure and eager to experience the stunning scenery.

As she began her climb, she noticed the trail was steep and rocky. However, she persevered and kept going, knowing that the view from the top would be worth it. Along the way, she stopped to take pictures of the magnificent landscape and to catch her breath.

When she finally reached the summit, she was amazed by the breathtaking view. The sun was setting, and the sky was painted with shades of pink, orange, and purple. She took a deep breath and smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

After enjoying the stunning view, she began her descent. As she was walking down, she noticed a small path leading to a hidden waterfall. She decided to take a detour and explore the area. The path was narrow, and the trees were dense, but she kept going, eager to see what was ahead.

When she finally arrived at the waterfall, she was amazed. It was a small, secluded oasis with crystal-clear water and lush greenery. She sat down to rest and enjoy the tranquility of the place.

As the sun began to set, she realized she needed to head back before it got dark. She gathered her things and made her way back to the main trail, feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

In conclusion, Sarah had an amazing adventure in the mountains, full of challenges and rewards. She used linking words such as “however,” “along the way,” “when she finally reached,” “after enjoying,” “as she was walking down,” “when she finally arrived,” and “in conclusion” to connect the different parts of her story and to guide the reader through her journey.

Here are the linking words used in the story:

  • “Once upon a time” – introductory phrase to begin the story
  • “One day” – used to indicate a change in time
  • “However” – used to introduce a contrasting idea (the trail being steep and rocky)
  • “Along the way” – used to indicate a continuation of the previous idea
  • “When she finally reached” – used to indicate the end of one idea and the beginning of another
  • “After enjoying” – used to introduce a new idea
  • “As the sun began to set” – used to indicate the passage of time
  • “When she finally arrived” – used to introduce a new idea
  • “In conclusion” – used to signal the end of the story

In addition, the story also uses other linking words such as “and,” “but,” “so,” and “however” to connect ideas and create a cohesive narrative.

What are Linking Words?

Linking words, also known as connecting words or transition words, are essential elements in writing and speaking. They are used to connect ideas, phrases, and sentences to ensure that the text or speech flows smoothly and logically. In this comprehensive guide, we will define linking words, discuss their importance, and provide examples of the different types of linking words.

Linking words are words or phrases that establish a connection between two ideas, phrases, or sentences. They are used to create a coherent and cohesive text that is easy to understand. Linking words help the writer or speaker to express the relationships between the different ideas they present, whether it is to add information, contrast a point, support a point, or demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship.

Why Should I Learn Linking Words/Connecting Words?

Learning linking words is essential for anyone who wants to improve their writing or speaking skills. Effective use of linking words not only makes your text or speech more coherent and easier to understand but also makes it more engaging and interesting to read or listen to. Using linking words also shows that you understand the relationships between the different ideas you are presenting, which can make your argument more convincing.

Examples of Linking Words

Let’s take a look at some common linking words and how they are used:

Linking Words to Add More Information

  • Additionally
  • Furthermore
  • Moreover
  • Also
  • In addition

Example: She not only studies hard, but she also participates in extracurricular activities. Additionally, she volunteers at a local shelter.

Linking Words to Contrast a Point

  • However
  • Nevertheless
  • On the other hand
  • Despite
  • Whereas

Example: The company had record profits this year. However, the CEO announced layoffs due to restructuring.

Linking Words to Support a Point

  • As a result
  • Consequently
  • Therefore
  • Thus
  • Hence

Example: The new sales strategy resulted in a 20% increase in revenue. As a result, the company is planning to expand to new markets.


Here is a complete list of linking words and connecting words, along with their functions:

Linking Words – Result

  • As a result
  • Consequently
  • Hence
  • Therefore
  • Thus

Connecting Words – Emphasis

  • Indeed
  • In fact
  • Undoubtedly
  • Certainly
  • Of course

Linking Words – Reason

  • Because
  • Since
  • As
  • Due to
  • Owing to

Connecting Words – Illustration

  • For instance
  • Such as
  • Including
  • Namely
  • Like

Linking Words – Comparison

  • Similarly
  • Likewise
  • In comparison
  • In the same way
  • Just as

Connecting Words – Order

  • Firstly, secondly, thirdly
  • In the first place, in the second place, in the third place
  • To begin with, next, finally
  • Then, after that, subsequently
  • Meanwhile, during, afterwards

Connecting Words – Summary

  • In conclusion
  • To sum up
  • In summary
  • Therefore
  • Thus

Linking Words – Condition

  • If
  • Unless
  • In case
  • Provided that
  • As long as

Connecting Words – Concession

  • Although
  • Even though
  • Despite
  • In spite of
  • Notwithstanding

Connecting Words – Generalisation

  • Generally
  • In general
  • On the whole
  • As

Connecting Words – Restatement

  • In other words
  • That is to say
  • To put it another way
  • As it were
  • In essence

Connecting Words – Reference

  • Regarding
  • With respect to
  • As for
  • In terms of
  • Concerning

Connecting Words – Clarification

  • Specifically
  • Especially
  • That is
  • Namely
  • To be precise

Connecting Words – Space/ Location

  • Above
  • Below
  • Next to
  • In front of
  • Behind

Linking Words & Connecting Words Chart

Here is a chart summarizing the different types of linking words and their functions:

Type of Linking Word Function
Result Show the consequence of something
Emphasis Emphasize a point or idea
Addition Add more information to a point
Reason Show the reason for something
Illustration Give examples to support a point
Contrast Show a difference between two things
Comparison Show a similarity between two things
Order Show the order of events or ideas
Summary Summarize the main points
Condition Show a condition for something to happen
Concession Show a point of difference, despite something
Generalisation Make a general statement about something
Restatement Restate a point or idea in different words
Reference Show a reference to something
Clarification Clarify a point or idea
Space/Location Show a location or position of something


Linking words are an essential component of effective communication. They help writers and speakers to connect ideas and create a coherent and cohesive text or speech. By using linking words, you can make your writing or speaking more engaging and convincing. The complete list of linking words provided in this guide should help you to identify the appropriate linking words to use in your writing or speaking, based on the function you want to achieve.

Test Your Understanding of Linking Words



Linking Word Test

1 / 16

Which type of linking word shows a consequence of something?

2 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to emphasize a point or idea?

3 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to add more information to a point?

4 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to give examples to support a point?


5 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to show a difference between two things?

6 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to show a similarity between two things?

7 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to show the order of events or ideas?

8 / 16

  1. Which type of linking word is used to summarize the main points?

9 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to show a point of difference, despite something?

10 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to make a general statement about something?

11 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to restate a point or idea in different words?

12 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to show a reference to something?

13 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to clarify a point or idea?

14 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to add information to a point?

15 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to give an example?

16 / 16

Which type of linking word is used to show a location or place?

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