Practice Exercise (2)


Practice Exercise (2) 3rd Sec

The number of attempts remaining is 2

1 / 36

You look exhausted! I think you should consider .................... to bed earlier.

2 / 36

I like to go to work on time. I usually .................... early to avoid the traffic.

3 / 36

I don’t think you should risk .................... out in this heat. It’s far too hot right now.

4 / 36

Do your parents allow you .................... out late at weekends?

5 / 36

By next October, my father .................... a bigger house.

6 / 36

You can use one of the following expressions to say goodbye at the end of an email to a good friend:

7 / 36

What can you use when writing an email to a friend?

8 / 36

Which option is not a good way to finish an email to a close friend?

9 / 36

Which of the following is correctly structured to show regret?

10 / 36

Some employees are often overworked and are clearly heading for burnout. Despite this, they
carry on as they are aware of the need to increase their productivity’. This could be part of an
article about the problem of .................... .

11 / 36

Don’t worry; I won’t leave until you .................... .

12 / 36

My friend .................... the present and tied it in ribbon.

13 / 36

Which of the following sentences is structurally correct?

14 / 36

My sister is a nurse. She won a/an .................... for her work during the coronavirus pandemic.

15 / 36

I had heard the good news, I immediately congratulated my friend.

16 / 36

Hazem always works to a plan and organise his time perfectly. He has an excellent .................... skill.

17 / 36

Which of the following is structurally correct?

18 / 36

My father advises me to stop studying when I feel exhausted because my concentration .............. .

19 / 36

I always try to avoid .................... with bad friends.

20 / 36

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

21 / 36

I like reading short stories. Moreover, I am fond of writing poetry. This shows .................... .

22 / 36

Which of the following sentences can be used to start an essay on overpopulation “....................”.

23 / 36

Which of the following sentences can be used to start an essay on overpopulation “....................”.

24 / 36

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Due to the global pandemic, the Egyptian Ministry of ICT noted an almost 50% increase in
internet consumption as workers were encouraged to work from home. Many saw this as a
positive move and some companies have closed their offices as their employees continue to
work from home. However, there are also disadvantages that need to be considered.
A significant advantage for the company is increased productivity. The home office
ensures a higher level of efficiency as it is adapted perfectly to the employee. There are no
distractions by workmates or background noise and they have their favourite food too! With
less time needed to commute, they can spend more time with their families. This increases
well-being which, in turn, can increase productivity.
Despite the many advantages, there are also some disadvantages. Many who worked
from home claimed that they worked more hours than in the office. Furthermore, some
complained that although they saved money on transport they had increased costs in water
and electricity. Poor furniture or physical space is also another issue to take into account.
However, the biggest problem has been the feeling of isolation and lack of personal contact
with workmates. With 300 million workers globally suffering from mental health issues as a
result of working from home, doctors are claiming mental health problems will be the next
problem to affect the world.

The general idea of the text is that .................... .

25 / 36

Which one is not an advantage of working from home mentioned in the text?

26 / 36

Which one is not a disadvantage of working from home mentioned in the text?

27 / 36

The text says that the global pandemic increased internet use by nearly 50% .................... .

28 / 36

The text says that the employees who had to work from home during the pandemic said .................... .

29 / 36

Which expression in the text means ‘very important’?

30 / 36

Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
How would you feel if you spent many months without seeing your friends and family?
Would you be happy to live in a very small space, with the same people for many weeks?
These are the conditions that astronauts have to face, so scientists are looking into the best
ways to help them with their mental health problems.
In 1982, a Russian astronaut called Valentin Lebedev had been travelling in space for seven
months when he started to become more and more depressed. This was the first time that
scientists realised that mental health could be a problem for astronauts, who need to carry
out important and often dangerous tasks.
Many astronauts face problems because time is so different in space. For example, on the
International Space Station (ISS), astronauts see the sun rise and set 16 times in one day. This
makes it very hard for them to sleep. Spacecrafts also use blue light, which is the same light
we use for computers and TV screens. Blue light also stops us from wanting to sleep, which is
why you should not look at screens before you go to bed!
Until scientists have done research on more astronauts, we won’t fully understand the
effects of space travel on their mental health. However, scientists claim that mental health
problems will be more likely when astronauts start to make journeys to planets such as Mars,
which might take 18 months or more.
As a result, people who want to become astronauts need special training on how to deal
with stress.
The astronauts of the future will certainly have a lot more support than they did in the past.
Already on the ISS, astronauts spend a lot of time taking exercise, relaxing, eating healthy
food and talking to their families: all good ways to stay mentally healthy!

The main idea in the first paragraph is .................... .

31 / 36

Due to the different time in space, .................... .

32 / 36

Those who want to work as astronauts have to .................... .

33 / 36

The underlined word “conditions” in the first paragraph is a synonym of .................... .

34 / 36

The underlined word “This” in the third paragraph refers to .................... .

35 / 36

The astronauts of the future will surely have a lot more .................... than they had in the past.

36 / 36

In the future, mental health problems that astronauts could face are likely to be .................... .

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