General Revision – Exam 1 – Secondary 3 – 2023


General Exam 1 - 3rd Sec

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A. Vocabulary and Structure
1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. The nurse grabbed my sister's arm and ................................. the needle in.

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2. She felt tired as she …………………….. all day.

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3. “The situation seems to be getting more and more complicated.” The opposite of the word
"complicated" is ..................................

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4. We will ……………….…… at the mechanic’s.

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5. He learned several …………………… for glazing pottery.

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6. These broken toys must ……………….. back to the shop.

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7. The film's special effects are particularly ……………………..

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8. Have you considered …………………. a new branch for your company in Cairo?

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9. With every ……………., your relationships, your achievements, and your failures are all
open to interpretation.

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10. Do you ……………… leave now?

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11. Magdi Yacoub is a well-known surgeon. The word "well known" means ......................

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12. Ola is a twenty-………………-old girl.

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13. My sister was rewarded for her ................ when, after many failed attempts, she finally
broke the world record.

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14. Eating at this restaurant ………………. cost less two years ago.

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15. The French military is preparing to evacuate women and children of ……….. families.

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16. Mona works very ………………….., that’s why her boss respects her.

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17. A stated opinion that requires further support is known as ………………..

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19. One of the following sentences is a personification. Identify it.

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18. The teacher asked us to bring the following things ……… paper, glue and colours.

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20. (Research shows that green tea really does help your teeth.) The underlined words are
used for expressing ………….

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21. Which of the following can be used to end a formal email?

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22. (Sick people lead a miserable life which is full of pain, weakness, suffering and feeling of
inferiority.) One of the following wouldn’t be suitable to support this; what is it?

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23. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?

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24. "Give me an 'A' now!" This is an example of ………………………… sentence.

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25. One of the following sentences is out of order. Which one is it?

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26. Verbs that have a direct object are known as …………….. verbs.

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27. (She had to ride her bike to the top of a hill and then go downhill without stopping.)
The underlined modal expresses …………………………

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28. Choose the best ending for the following paragraph. (Much can be said in favour of
television because of the fact that it is a medium for transmitting information. This means
that it can both entertain and educate children, while keeping them amused. Television is also
a convenient option for busy mothers, acting as a babysitter much of the time while they get
on with everyday chores. On the other hand, television ………………………………..)

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29. (Mass media have a duty to be objective and aim at enriching people's knowledge. They
shouldn't be used as a means to harm the society.) The writer is ………………….

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30. Which sentence has the most positive tone?

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B. Reading Comprehension

2. Read the passage and the answer the questions:

Sport is an important part of today's society and plays a large role in people's lives. Now
more than ever sport events dominate headlines and athletes have become national heroes.
From a social standpoint, sport plays a positive role in uniting people from different
social backgrounds in support of their favourite team. However, just as sport unites people
so it can divide them, as is often demonstrated by crowd violence at football matches.
Sport is also an important part of every child's schooling, as it plays a big role in their
physical and mental development. It teaches children how to work as part of a team and
cooperate with others, while at the same time improving their physical condition. The only
drawback to this is that children who are less able to perform well in sports are likely to feel
inadequate in comparison to their more gifted classmates, which may affect their selfconfidence.
Sports play a therapeutic role in addressing a number of psychological disorders.
Practising sports has a positive influence on depression. Physical self-worth and physical
self-perception, including body image, has been linked to improved self-esteem. Physical
activity has physiological, cognitive and affective benefits for individuals and communities.
From an economic point of view, sports can be very profitable, as it attracts a lot of
advertising. On one hand, this creates profit for the sporting industry which allows for
improvement and expansion. On the other hand, large sums of money are often paid to
event organizers to promote products such as cigarettes, which are harmful to one's health.

- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. One drawback of sport at football matches is that ………………………………… .

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2. ……………………………. shouldn't be promoted in sport events.

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3. The children who are likely to feel inadequate are usually …………………………. .

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4. From a psychological point of view, sport is beneficial for …………………………….. .

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5. What does the underlined word "them" refer to?

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6. The word “therapeutic” is close in meaning to ………………….

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7. Which of the following is an effect of practising sports on physiological health?

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8. According to the passage, sport has social effect on people, what is it?

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9. According to the passage, which of the following sentences is not true?

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10. Sports teach children …………………………

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3. Read the passage and the answer the questions:
With the introduction of the internet into our daily lives, we have changed from a society
of eight to two hours (that works from eight in the morning until two in the afternoon) into a
twenty four-hour society. Everything in this lifestyle is open all hours. You can buy your
grocery at midnight, book your holiday on the internet at 3 am and do business online at
dawn. Time has become open and places have been linked. The world has changed into a
small global village whose parts are linked, news is available and restrictions or borders are
cancelled. It has become one unit in which all elements are easy to reach.
Before you join the 24-hour revolution, take a minute to listen to what your body is trying
to tell you. This “round the clock” lifestyle is not what the Great Creator intended for us.
In an area of our brains, we have a "body clock" that controls our body's natural rhythms.
It tells us when it is the right time to eat, sleep, work or play. It plays an important part in
our physical and psychological well-being. It is, in fact, what makes us control many things
including our hormones, temperatures, immune system and activity. It regulates the tempo
and brings in all the different instruments on time to make music rather than noise. If we try
to ignore our body clocks, or even to switch them off for a while, we not only deprive
ourselves of much needed rest, but we also run the risk of seriously damaging our health.
Accordingly, we need to have a daily routine.
It is true that technology has facilitated many life activities and is still going forward. It
won’t stand still. However, we have to bear in mind that we mustn’t let technology turn us
into machines. At the same time it mustn’t deprive us of feeling, relaxing, and living
normally and naturally as the Creator has intended us to do.

- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. A 24-hour society means a society that works …………………………….

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2. "If you switch off your body clock", ………………………………………………….

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3. A suitable title for the passage is: …………………………………………………….

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4. Which of the following is TRUE?

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5. What does "It" refer to?

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6. The word “tempo” means ……………………………… .

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7. Which of the following is not a function of the "body clock"?

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8. The writer prefers the natural lifestyle which allows people to ……………………….

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9. A daily ……………….. makes everything go normally.

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10. In the last paragraph, the writer is giving readers some …………………..

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C. Translation

4. Read the sentences and choose the correct translation from a, b, c, or d:
1. Space invasion has opened new horizons for humans and increased their ambitions.

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2. A camera is an optical instrument that records images that can be stored directly,
transmitted to another location, or both.

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هل ترى ان على الدول ان تنفق على الحاجات الاساسية اكثر مما تنفق على البحث العلمي؟

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يعتقد العلماء ان باطن الارض مكون من معادن ثقيلة جدا كالحديد والصخور المنصهرة

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D. Writing

5. Write an essay of about 200 words on one of the following:

1. Do you think there are demerits to the work of women? Why?
2. An invention that will make our life easier.

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Great Expectations

1.What do you think might have happened if Joe had gone to school?

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2."Then she jumped on me like an eagle on a lamb," said Pip. What did these words reflect about the relationship between Pip and his sister?

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3. Do you think that Mrs. Havisham was right to let Estella break Pip's heart? Why?

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