Exam 3 – Final Revision 2023


Exam 3 - Final Revision 2023

Exam 1

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A. Vocabulary and Structure

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1. The words “impatient” and “cross” are ……………………….

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2. This time yesterday, I ………………. two reports.

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3. She …………………….. after years of working overtime.

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4. He hurt his leg during the race and had to ……………………

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5. His mood .................................. depending on the weather.

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6. ……………… them plays tennis well, but Ahmed is the best.

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7. An intern is an advanced student or a recent graduate, who is being given practical
training under supervision. The word “intern” here can be replaced by …………….

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8. My elder brother is ……………………

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9. A man whistled at her, but she ignored him. The opposite of "ignore" is …………….

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10. Ahmed …………….. live in Cairo. Now he lives in Tanta.

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11. Petra led him into the kitchen, where she offered him the …………. of the chocolate.

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12. Thousands of people enjoy……………..…. at the sculptures made from snow in China.

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13. According to the Roman ……………, the city was founded by twin brothers who were
brought up by wolves.

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14. One of the following sentences is incorrect. Identify it.

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15. Scientists have been searching for …………………….. of life on distant planets.

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16. ………………….How long have you worked for this company ?

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17. Intransitive verbs are ones with ………………..

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18. Which sentence is correct?

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19. A phrase like “dancing leaves” is a/an ……………………..

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20. Which sentence has the most positive tone?

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21. “Do you want to come with us?” is a/an …………….. sentence.

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22. Choose the best sentence to end the fooling paragraph.
(The subject of animal testing is very controversial. In my opinion, animal testing should
not be banned for a number of reasons. The first is that many products must be tested on
animals to ensure that they are safe for humans. The second is that the effects of certain
chemicals such as insecticides can be observed on animals and their offspring and the
results are achieved faster since animals have a shorter life span than humans. The final
reason is that it ..............)

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23. She owns a big house …………….. a company and three cars.

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24. A/An ……. is a word or group of words that tell what or whom we are talking about.

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25. Choose the sentence that can’t support this idea:
(Trees are of the most important elements of nature).

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26. “Goals help you stay focused and use your time more efficiently.”
Which detail below would not support this topic sentence?

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27. Which of the following is a simple sentence?

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28. Which is the best sequence for these sentences?
(1 The construction crew showed up around 9:00. 2 By noon, the carpet was ripped out. 3 By the
late afternoon, the first tiles were on the floor. 4 The day for new flooring had arrived.)

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29. When writing an email, after the initial greeting you need an introductory sentence that
indicates clearly …………………………

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30. …………… are added at the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

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B. Reading Comprehension

2. Read the passage and the answer the questions:
Everything has its pros and cons. Humans are always advised to make the best use of
the best things about something and avoid the bad ones that come out of it. Everything in
our world can be useful or harmful according to the way we use them. A knife is certainly
useful because we use it for cutting or chopping things, but it is harmful in the hands of a
child or a mad man. Fire is necessary for us because it gives us heat and light and helps us
cook our food, however it can be the cause of death and destruction if it is used carelessly.
On the other hand poison, which is certainly harmful, can be helpful when it is used, for
example in treating a sick man.
The way in which we deal with everything around us is connected with our personality
traits. We are either good people or bad people and our character determines our behaviour
towards things and people. We can make good use of anything, if we ourselves are good. In
the hands of a bad person everything is bad and destructive. On the contrary, in the hands of
a good person everything is good and useful. Money which can be spent on making guns,
bombs and poisonous gases, can be spent on useful purposes such as reclaiming the desert,
building new cities, treating sick people and so on. So, the only way to make life better is to
make ourselves better. The world around us is nothing but a mirror in which we see

- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. What happens when we use fire in a carless way?

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2. What does everything around us have?

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4. What do things look like with a bad person?

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3. What makes us deal well or badly with things?

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5. The underlined word "it" refers to …………………………..

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6. What do you think the underlined word “traits” means?

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7. Give a suitable title for the passage.

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8. How many things mentioned in the passage that can have good or bad use?

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9. Poison is useful because it can be used for ……………………..

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10. - How can we make good use of money? – By spending it on …………………….

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3. Read the passage and the answer the questions:

A comet is a member of the solar system which travels on an orbit combined with
gases. The brightest part of a comet is the head and it has a tail composed of thin gases and
fine particles. Comets should not be confused with meteorites or "shooting stars" which
flash across the sky at almost any time.
For many centuries the coming of a comet caused people to tremble with fear. They
believed that comets were evil signs foretelling plagues, wars and deaths. It often happened
that a comet was seen about the time that an important event in history took place. One
flared across the sky just before Jerusalem was captured and destroyed by the Romans about
2000 years ago. During the funeral of Julius Caesar, a great bright comet was seen over the
city of Rome. Another was seen on the day that the Roman emperor Nero killed himself.
When people understand what causes these bright flashes in the sky, superstition and
fear change to curiosity. Although there is still much to learn, astronomers know a great
deal about comets and their orbits. Comets do eventually die, that is, they break up and are
scattered along their orbits in the form of meteoric dust.
- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. What is the first paragraph about?

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2. In the second paragraph, the writer included several examples to show how ……………

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3. When was a great bright comet seen over Rome?

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4. A superstition is a belief that certain events ………………………… .

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5. What does the underlined word "One" refer to?

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6. What does the word “foretelling” mean?

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7. What made people link a comet to the death of Nero?

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8. A meteorite is a ……………… star which flashes across the sky at almost any time.

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9. People feared comets because they believed that comets were ………….. signs.

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10. Comets being the cause that made the Romans capture Jerusalem is a ………………….

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C. Translation

4. Read the sentences and choose the correct translation from a, b, c, or d:

1. Science has taught us many things about the universe. This doesn't destroy our
amazement when we look at the night sky.

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2. Modern technological development has resulted in a feverish race among nations to catch
up with world progress. Egypt should win something in such competition.

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اعتقد ان استكشاف الفضاء مضيعة للمال والوقت وعلينا ان ننفق هذا المال على حل المشكلات التى نواجهها على الارض

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تسبب المواد الكيمياوية السامة التى تطلقها السيارات  فى الهواء مشكلة المطر الحمضى الذى يتلف البيئة ويسبب التلوث القاتل

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D. Writing

5. Write about 200 words on one of the following:
1. An essay on “the future of space technology.”
2. A narrative essay about a journey you will never forget.

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