Unit 1 test

Test on Unit 1 – امتحان على الوحدة الاولى للصف الثالث الثانوى

امتحان على الوحدة الاولى للصف الثالث الثانوى

للدخول على الامتحان قم بكتابة كلمة المرور التالية


Test on Unit 1 - 3rd Secondary

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The number of attempts remaining is 1

1 / 60

.لقد یسرت التجارة الإلكترونیة علي الكثیرمن الناس عملیة البیع والشراء إلكترونیاً, وھذا بدوره یوفر الوقت والجھد فضلا عن خلق مناخا تنافسيا يصب فى مصلحة المستهلك اولا

2 / 60

18. Which of the following is structurally correct?

3 / 60

52. Once I got my breath back, I hurried home as fast as I could. I got my breath back means I

4 / 60

49. When I saw a huge animal in the dark, I jumped out of my skin. The means I was ………. .

5 / 60

12. While ………. for the school bus, I met one of my old friends.

6 / 60

3. I ………. dinner when Adel arrived, so I warmly asked him to share the meal with me.

7 / 60

7. How long ago ………. your father come back from London?

8 / 60

37. The convict behaved in a dishonest way. Behave is similar in meaning to …….. .

9 / 60

11. I haven't met the General Manager…..……….. . It's my first time to meet him.

10 / 60

38. A successful journalist must be nosy and interested in people. This means that he/she has to be
……… .

11 / 60

14. I haven’t seen Wael………. the last time we met in the village.

12 / 60

21. Rami is very happy; he ………. a medal for writing poetry.

13 / 60

6. There are always economic crises ………. pandemics.

14 / 60

56. A terrible accident happened in Banha, ………… . Which of the following completions shows

15 / 60

48. ………. is a type of media bias in which a journalist uses words and phrases to support or
oppose a service, or even an idea.

16 / 60

15. While Samir was doing his homework, his sister ……….. to loud music. So, he wasn't able to

17 / 60

26. When the accused person proved that he wasn’t ……………, he was set free.

18 / 60

54. Which of the following is punctuated correctly?

19 / 60

2. My friend ……….a health problem since he lived in that highly polluted area.

20 / 60

10. I will wait till my friend ………. before I order food.

21 / 60

44. After the accident, the injured people were ………. financially.

22 / 60

19. What………. at 7 pm yesterday?

23 / 60

41. The Prime Minister ……. that there was a severe penalty against those who build illegally.

24 / 60

46. The journalist was biased by ……….; he put the story at the top of the page to show it was

25 / 60

33. I applied for the new job and I am waiting for the answer to my application with bated breath.
This means that I ……………. .

26 / 60

29. A ………… newspaper is a more formal newspaper with large pages.

27 / 60

25. She……… dinner when we returned home.

28 / 60

16. My pen friend arrived at Cairo Airport a moment ago. This means that he ………… .

29 / 60

24. A………… newspaper has small pages and large photos.

30 / 60

8. My cousin has lived abroad ………. his childhood.

31 / 60

13. My uncle ……….as a taxi driver for ten years. Now, he is a worker in a big clothes factory.

32 / 60

20. The government ………. a lot of villages recently.

33 / 60

39. The giant ship had broken down and …….. navigation in the Suez Canal for seven days.

34 / 60

55. A/an …………. essay is a form of academic writing which is built around a detailed
description of a person, building, place, situation, etc.

35 / 60

9. Ali caught fish when he was in Alexandria. This means that ………

36 / 60

43. Unfortunately, the collapse of the house has caused tens of ……….and a lot of injuries.

37 / 60

47. The police were able to rescue the people who were………. inside the house during the fire.

38 / 60

27. What bad news! The book had been ………… before it was published.

39 / 60

58. An argumentative essay ……………

40 / 60

50. A/An ………. is a person who makes and repairs things made of iron by hand.

41 / 60

30. Online book …………… is an illegal action.

42 / 60

57. It takes roughly two hours to get to the company. Roughly here mean……….

43 / 60

36. I was …………… to hear that my car had been stolen.

44 / 60

59. We can read thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the globe online.
Subscribers get access to more than 7,000 of the world's top publications as soon as they're
available for free or according to the rules

45 / 60

42. The police officers are ………. the cause of the crime to arrest the criminal.

46 / 60

53. The robber grabbed the lady’s handbag and ……….. quickly so he could escape.

47 / 60

45. Finally, the police discovered what had ………. the accident.

48 / 60

51. The police are looking for the criminal who has ……….. that horrible crime.

49 / 60

28. It is …………… that some people were typing up copies of the book to share it illegally.

50 / 60

5. My sister ………. her university degree in 2018.

51 / 60

31. It is not easy for young writers to…………… their new books.

52 / 60

1. It's been two months since we ……….our uncle in the village.

53 / 60

22. A terrible accident ………. place on the Cairo- Alexandria desert road.

54 / 60

23. You needn't make food. I ………. a good meal already.

55 / 60

35. …………… is one of the behaviours that you must stop practising.

56 / 60

40. The captain said that a strong wind …….. the ship so that both its front and back hit the sides
of the canal.

57 / 60

34. The factory had collapsed, so the lawyers……… that the insurance company pay the legal

58 / 60

4. Sorry for being late, Sir. Please, let me in; I ………. in very bad traffic.

59 / 60

17. I used to play football when I was young, but now I ………. .

60 / 60

32. The accident ………… despite the carefulness of the driver because there was a sudden leak in
the brake oil.

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