The present simple & the present continuous

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The present simple & the present continuous


– Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. The moon ………………. the Earth.
a. orbits b. orbiting c. orbited d. orbit
2. I ……………. about spending my holiday in the village. How do you see it?
a. think b. am thinking c. am thought d. were thinking
3. Children often ……………. their parents and grandparents to do things.
a. are helping b. was helping c. are helped d. help
4. I ……………… Alexandria is a beautiful city.
a. am thinking b. think c. was thinking d. am thought
5. We …………………… our parents when they’re busy.
a. help always b. always help c. are always helped d. always are helped
6. We …………………… our parents when we are far away from them.
a. are missed b. missing c. are missed d. miss
7. It …………………… sunny in my country.
a. has usually b. is usually c. usually is d. usually has
8. After Jack …………………. London, he will send us an email.
a. will reach b. reaches c. has reached d. both b and c
9. We …………… to London tomorrow; we’ve got our visas and booked the tickets.
a. are traveling b. travel c. will travel d. going to travel
10. Why ………………….. making so much noise?
a. is he always b. always he is c. he is always d. he always is
11. The chicken …………………. delicious!
a. smelling b. smells c. is smelt d. smell
12. That pencil ………………. to me. Can you give it back to me, please?
a. is belonged b. belong c. is belonging d. belongs
13. I …………………. to study abroad when I’m older.
a. want b. wanting c. am wanting d. am wanted
14. Why is it always regarded as so funny when someone ………… on a banana skin?
a. slips b. is slipped c. was slipped d. slipped


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