Feb Revision Tests (3)


Feb Revision Tests (3)

The number of attempts remaining is 2

1 / 24

Because the trials of colonisation failed, people .................... .


2 / 24

Why was Sir Water Raleigh trying to invade the island?


3 / 24

Because of her strong ...................., she overcame all of her difficulties.


4 / 24

Nowadays, most women are becoming .................... and work to pay for their living costs.


5 / 24

I .................... used to cooking a lot of recipes after travelling abroad.


6 / 24

Our company bought .................... computers for all members of the staff.


7 / 24

His English .................... proved that he has never lived abroad as he said.


8 / 24

This book is trying to solve some of the social .................... .


9 / 24

To keep fit, he .................... in the evening.



10 / 24

Why .................... at him? He's going to be upset.


11 / 24

Please turn off the lights if you .................... .


12 / 24

By the time we get there, the film .................... .


13 / 24

I .................... Karim tomorrow by 3:00 PM.


14 / 24

If he continues watching this series too much, he .................... the last season

by next week.


15 / 24

In twenty years' time, most people .................... AI applications.


16 / 24

My order .................... by the end of this week.


17 / 24

I am writing this mail to express my interest in the Sales Manager position
at ABC Company. I have 10 years of marketing experience and wish
to transition into a sales role at a prestigious company such as yours. I have
many skills from my marketing career that can be translated to success
in this role.

Although I have been an asset to my prior employer as a marketing
manager, I have dealt with many experiences that support common sales
skills. I work one-on-one with clients while managing a marketing team. My
client relationships are valuable to me because they allow me to build our
connection, provide relevant product offerings and continue an ongoing
business relationship.

Because of my skills as a marketing manager, I've won numerous awards,
including Manager of the Year and Employee of the Month on numerous
occasions. This required not only strength in marketing but also the instinct
and ability to manage and motivate a team to work towards a common

I believe my background in marketing would provide value for your team
by adding a unique perspective. I am a fast and enthusiastic learner, ready
to become a leader at ABC Company. If you know of a more appropriate
position or an opening that has recently been vacated, I would be grateful
for your consideration.

Ayman Ahmed

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

16. The writer wanted to .................... .

18 / 24

The writer believes that .................... .


19 / 24

what does the underlined word "asset" mean?


20 / 24

The writer believes that his relationship with clients is .................... .


21 / 24

Receiving many awards reflects that Ayman was .................... .


22 / 24

the writer believed that being a successful manager includes .................... .


23 / 24

The main idea of this email is .................... .


24 / 24

What does the underlined pronoun "they" refer to?


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